Sunday, February 17, 2008

Getting to Know Your Friends Q & A

My sister sent the "Getting to Know Your Friends Q & A" to me this morning with her answers filled in. My first reaction was to delete it and get to more pressing emails, but then I scanned her answers and got hooked. I had no idea her greatest fear was public speaking or that her favorite memory was perfoming a Michael Jackson dance routine in elementary school. Now I do.

I filled it out with my answers and sent it back to her, much to her delight. Now we know each other just a little bit better.

I thought it'd be fun to share it with you and invite you to play too. I hope you take the time to fill it out with your answers and post it here or email it to me at I'd love to get to know you better.

1. Best memory in life? Seeing my book on the shelves at Barnes & Noble.
2. Last TV show that you watched? With whom? Lipstick Jungle – curled up in bed by myself
3. Favorite ice cream? McDonald’s Vanilla Cone
4. Favorite drink? Tie between coca-cola and champagne.
5. Favorite food? Pasta
6. What time did you go to bed last night? What time did you wake up? 11ish. 4:45 am for some bon voyage lovin’.
7. Do you use an alarm clock? No. My biological clock still works.
8. Last book that you read? Secrets to Date By - preparing for an interviewJ
9. How many hours a day do you work? My brain never stops so, 24-7.
10. Favorite TV show? Tie between Law and Order SVU and CSI Miami.
11. Favorite band? Nickelback – they rock!
12. Republican/Democrat/Don't care? A little bit of both.
13. Famous actor/actress that you would most like to meet in life? Sean Connery - Duh
14. Do you read a newspaper? On occasion. I hate how the ink rubs off on my fingertips.
15. Place you would most like to visit in the next year? Cairo, Egypt
16. How do you relax? Reading books and magazines. Hangin’ with friends.
17. Dream place to live? New York and London, but only with lots of cash and connections
18. What car do you drive? Mercedes SL 500
19. Dream car? Convertible Bentley
20. How long does it take you to get to work? 2.5 seconds – bedroom to living room
21. Biggest regret in life? Eating that last piece of cake
22. Biggest fear? Losing my mojo
23. Biggest pet peeve? Hypocrisy
24. How many brothers/sisters do you have? How many cousins? 1 sister, 1 half-brother, 2 step-sisters, 2 step-brothers. 10 cousins.
25. Where did you go to college? Georgia State University, Art Institute of Atlanta
26. Last movie you watched? With whom? Definitely, Maybe. With my man.
27. Earliest memory in life? I can’t remember…
28. What are your parents' names? Debra and James (Jim)
29. What is your sign? Scorpio
30. Favorite sport? Dodgeball
31. Favorite sports team? Average Joes
32. Who do you most admire? My momma
33. Best lesson that you have learned in life? Never give up
34. What did you do this past weekend? Launched my new book
35. Most embarrassing moment? Tripping up the stairs on my way to give a speech
36. How many people will you send this to? Just a few
37. Do you make friends easily? Yes, but I’m selective.
38. Favorite Smell? My man’s cologne
39. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday at the movie
40. What is your middle name? It used to be Jane. Now I don’t have one.

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