Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Appreciation for On-Air Personalities

I never knew just how much work goes into creating a television show until yesterday after spending 10 hours in front of the camera. Out of that 10 hours only 12 - 16 minutes will be used. Can you imagine how much footage you'd need for a one-hour show?? I'm writing a pilot for Bravo, but after yesterday I'm not so sure I'm up to the challenge. Who am I kidding...I'm all in.

I want to give a shout-out to my girlfriend Mia Butler of TBS' Movie & a Makeover. She appeared in two segments with me and I must say, she's amazing!! She really knew her stuff!! Thanks Mia. I owe you big!

And thank you to Bistro VG for letting us take over your restaurant. You're saints...P.S. enjoy the security camera footage from the dressing room. Jokes on us...we didn't know there was a camera in there until late in the day.

Thanks to everyone for a job well done!!

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