Friday, March 21, 2008

What a Difference 4 Inches Makes

I'm a shoe girl through and through believing the higher the heel, the better. The only time I don't sport a strapping pair of stilettos is at the gym or in the shower. Other than that, it's four inches of pure love for my tortured tootsies.

This week all that changed. I've been stuck at home with a bad cold and my 16 year-old dog whose bladder is on a two-hour time clock. To facilitate my frequent trips down the elevator and out to the dog-run, I traded in my favorite Choos (gasp!) for easy on, easy off flip flops (cute ones though).

I didn't mind until it happened. I had on my favorite Juicy sweats and rhinestone flops, my hair was a bit frazzled, but easily mistaken for bed-head (naughty girl), and my face, vacant of any and all make-up, was a fresh glow-or at least that's what I told myself. Just as I stepped into the communal elevator so did the hottest guy in the building. Poof!! went my swagger. Not because I looked casual, but because I felt short.

My magic heels always give me an inflated sense of self-confidence, but today when I needed them the most, they were gone. I'm sure he didn't know the difference. Scratch that. The difference was he didn't notice me! A woman in sexy heels always turns heads. Rhinestone flip flops, not so much. you think I'm over analyzing this?? I guess that's what girls do.
All in all, I'm absolutely amazed at the difference 4 inches makes - to me. I guess size really does matter after all.

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