Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stand By Your Man - I Don't Think So

When faced with the most gut-wrenching realization-my husband is sleeping with prostitutes-what should a faithful wife do?

Governor Elliott Spitzer's wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, struggled with just that and, as you can see in the photo, she chose to stand by her man.

Silda, you're a better woman than I. I doubt I'd be standing beside him. I'd most likely be standing over him, stiletto heel placed firmly on his wandering willy. Then again, I haven't walked in her shoes, so it's easy for me to say.

What would you do if you gave your very public husband your undying love, three beautiful children, political support, and he repaid your kindness by repeatedly hiring hookers behind your back? Hmm.

Governor Spitzer gambled his political career and his family for a little strange. Why? The answer may be long and complicated or it just might be as simple as a sense of entitlement. I tend to believe it's the latter.

The broad question is: Why do men cheat?

I think it's because it makes them feel good. Duh.

A man feels powerful and adored when a woman (who doesn't know his faults) looks up at him with approving eyes. He can be anything he wants to be, so long as she belives it to be true. His wife knows the real man and therefore Peter Pan has to grow up - at home.

You can keep your husband's interest by allowing his imagination to soar. Gag! I know it seems silly, but give it a try. You'll see a happy little boy walking around in your gorgeous man's body.

Good luck:)

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