Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sex and the City For Men

I often wondered why men are so drawn to the television show Two and a half Men? I just didn't get it until a recent radio interview with a male jockey.

We were chatting about dating and relationships, a topic close to my heart, when he revealed how much he identifies with Charlie Sheen's character on the show Two and a half Men. "Have you heard of it," he asks as I roll my eyes. Heard of it? I suffer through it every week, I thought. I asked what was so appealing about the show and he lit up speaking breathlessly about how much he and Charlie are alike. Saying it's as if they wrote the script around his life.

It was at this moment that I got it. Two and a half Men is to men what Sex and the City is to women. I shared my relevation with my man and watched as the lightbulb went off in his head much like it went off in mine. Now we get it and now we sit through Sex and the City and Two and a half Men-together.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Miley Cyrus

I simply have to put my two cents in (is that how you say that phrase?) on this whole Miley Cyrus fiasco.
This photo is tasteful, artisitic and in no way resembles child pornography as so many upset mommies would have you believe.
Annie Leibovitz is arguably the most gifted photographer of her time. She knows how to capture the essence of a person unlike anything I've ever seen. I heard her speak at her exhibit at the High Museum in Atlanta and was in awe of both the woman and her work, which consisted of celebrity portraits, thought-provoking images and very personal shots, both nude and clothed. She's not a pornographer, she's an artist.
I get the fact that Miley is 15 and a role model for young girls, but at what point is a seven-year-old girl going to make a pit-stop at the local newstand on her way home from elementary school to pick up this month's copy of Vanity Fair? She's not. It's more likely that little Susie has now seen and heard of all this because of the mommies trying to protect them from it.
When I look at this picture, I see a young girl on her way to becoming a woman and that's a beautiful thing. To see anything else is a shame. So shame on you mad mommies.
Yes, magazines are pushing the envelope to boost sales. Is that irresponsible or just good business? Remember last month? Gisele Bundchen and LeBron James graced the cover of Vogue and caused quite a stir. Do you see a pattern here? Do you care? I don't. Shock factor sells magazines and I get that. If you don't want to support it, don't buy the magazine.
I think people need to be more tolerant and look the other way when they see something that doesn't appeal to them. What do you think?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

True Friendship: None of that Sissy Crap

1. When you are sad -- I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.

2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

3. When you smile -- I will know you are thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in.

4. When you are scared -- I will rag you about it every chance I get until you're not.

5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much Worse it could be until you quit whining.

6. When you are confused -- I will try to use only little words.

7. When you are sick -- Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.

8. When you fall -- I will laugh at your clumsy ass but I'll help you up.

9. This is my oath.... I pledge it to the end 'Why?' you may ask; 'because you are my friend'.

Friendship is like peeing in your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fantastic Find

I just found a new boutique called Runway Atlanta and though I'd like to keep this little gem to myself, I feel compelled to share the wealth.

They have a lot of flirty little dresses and unique tops with designer labels as well as rare finds, whoo hoo. I fell madly in love with a one-shoulder blouse by Meghan and a to-die-for pair of Roberto Cavalli glasses. I'm sorry, but these I cannot share. I had to make them mine.

It felt good to buy a top and not worry that every other chic in town will be wearing it. Or at least that's what I'm told. Only time and trips to Lola will tell.

If you decide to check it out, let me give you a little help because it's hard to find. They're at 375 Pharr Road. Look for the address on a green awning, not the name. It's not posted. Turn in and go straight back.

Have fun and let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Appreciation for On-Air Personalities

I never knew just how much work goes into creating a television show until yesterday after spending 10 hours in front of the camera. Out of that 10 hours only 12 - 16 minutes will be used. Can you imagine how much footage you'd need for a one-hour show?? I'm writing a pilot for Bravo, but after yesterday I'm not so sure I'm up to the challenge. Who am I kidding...I'm all in.

I want to give a shout-out to my girlfriend Mia Butler of TBS' Movie & a Makeover. She appeared in two segments with me and I must say, she's amazing!! She really knew her stuff!! Thanks Mia. I owe you big!

And thank you to Bistro VG for letting us take over your restaurant. You're saints...P.S. enjoy the security camera footage from the dressing room. Jokes on us...we didn't know there was a camera in there until late in the day.

Thanks to everyone for a job well done!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

What a Difference 4 Inches Makes

I'm a shoe girl through and through believing the higher the heel, the better. The only time I don't sport a strapping pair of stilettos is at the gym or in the shower. Other than that, it's four inches of pure love for my tortured tootsies.

This week all that changed. I've been stuck at home with a bad cold and my 16 year-old dog whose bladder is on a two-hour time clock. To facilitate my frequent trips down the elevator and out to the dog-run, I traded in my favorite Choos (gasp!) for easy on, easy off flip flops (cute ones though).

I didn't mind until it happened. I had on my favorite Juicy sweats and rhinestone flops, my hair was a bit frazzled, but easily mistaken for bed-head (naughty girl), and my face, vacant of any and all make-up, was a fresh glow-or at least that's what I told myself. Just as I stepped into the communal elevator so did the hottest guy in the building. Poof!! went my swagger. Not because I looked casual, but because I felt short.

My magic heels always give me an inflated sense of self-confidence, but today when I needed them the most, they were gone. I'm sure he didn't know the difference. Scratch that. The difference was he didn't notice me! A woman in sexy heels always turns heads. Rhinestone flip flops, not so much. Hmm...do you think I'm over analyzing this?? I guess that's what girls do.
All in all, I'm absolutely amazed at the difference 4 inches makes - to me. I guess size really does matter after all.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stand By Your Man - I Don't Think So

When faced with the most gut-wrenching realization-my husband is sleeping with prostitutes-what should a faithful wife do?

Governor Elliott Spitzer's wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, struggled with just that and, as you can see in the photo, she chose to stand by her man.

Silda, you're a better woman than I. I doubt I'd be standing beside him. I'd most likely be standing over him, stiletto heel placed firmly on his wandering willy. Then again, I haven't walked in her shoes, so it's easy for me to say.

What would you do if you gave your very public husband your undying love, three beautiful children, political support, and he repaid your kindness by repeatedly hiring hookers behind your back? Hmm.

Governor Spitzer gambled his political career and his family for a little strange. Why? The answer may be long and complicated or it just might be as simple as a sense of entitlement. I tend to believe it's the latter.

The broad question is: Why do men cheat?

I think it's because it makes them feel good. Duh.

A man feels powerful and adored when a woman (who doesn't know his faults) looks up at him with approving eyes. He can be anything he wants to be, so long as she belives it to be true. His wife knows the real man and therefore Peter Pan has to grow up - at home.

You can keep your husband's interest by allowing his imagination to soar. Gag! I know it seems silly, but give it a try. You'll see a happy little boy walking around in your gorgeous man's body.

Good luck:)